How to Create an Effective Personal Development Plan

You may be preparing to create your first personal development plan to improve yourself and achieve yours goals. Globally many people are seeking ways to live better and happier lives, and writing a solid plan will have a great impact. Primary areas of enhancement might include: education, health, relationships, and career development. Whatever you’re striving for it is important to develop a strategy that is easy to follow for attaining your goals.

There are many theories and concepts that have been tested scientifically and in research for personal development planning. Neuroscience, cognitive psychology and positive psychology are some worth mentioning. Even with these methods, many of us don’t know what to do and where to start when designing a plan for themselves.

We all know that you must first get clear about what you want to change before you can begin improving your life, right? Likewise, it’s important to create a list prioritizing the changes you would like to create in your life. Here are some things to keep in mind BEFORE you start to write your plan:

Be focused and specific – Objectives that you can't easily relate to will be harder to attain. In order to connect with your goals they need to be clearly defined - this is essential to implementing a good plan.

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses – Do a SWOT Analysis . SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Taking an inventory of your SWOT will help you determine and prioritize the areas that you most want to improve. Also, take time to identify any obstacles that may be blocking your success.

Now, that you’re clear on the areas you want to focus on you can begin to write your plan. If you need a little more guidance you might consider including the following aspects in your development plan:

Time Management

Financial Health/Wealth

Improve Relationships

Enhance Your Creativity

Trust Your Intuition

Practice Your Spirituality

All of the above can help to enhance your plan. As you begin to master each area you’ll notice other aspects of your life will improve simultaneously. I know it’s tempting to tackle all of your goals at once, but it’s better to focus on one or two main objectives first. This will allow you to devote your full concentration to each goal, and move you to achieve your goals quicker.

Don’t forget to apply the method of SMART goals to your plan, and make sure your goals are Specific and clear, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Following the outline for SMART goal setting will help you create better objectives, which will keep you motivated while you implement your plan and begin to attain your goals.

Creating a personal development plan requires intention and taking responsibility for your own development.

There are many seminars, workshops, and online courses that offer training for personal development planning. Create your plan then work your plan! Success will follow.

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